Ashland Macintosh User's Group (AshMUG) meets at 6 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Ashland Community Hospital Conference Room. Free and open to the public.
6-7 PM Questions and Answers. Experts will be on hand.
7-8 PM Software and hardware demonstrations.
This Month- May 10
Personal Productivity in the Cloud
Presented by Carol Benson - business strategist/consultant, and partner at Glenbrook. She travels the world teaching technology firms and financial institutions how to improve personal and business productivity. Benson will demonstrate to AshMUG members and community guests, how to use online software and services accessed through your web browser (The Cloud), to achieve personal and business productivity. Drop by and learn how using the Cloud helps you schedule trips and itineraries, share files, and kick your eMail Client, Calendar and To Do Lists to the curb.