Ashland Macintosh User's Group (AshMUG) meets at 6 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Ashland Community Hospital Conference Room. Free and open to the public.
6-7PM Questions and Answers. Experts will be on hand.
7-8PM Software and hardware demonstrations. This Month, Tuesday, March 13
Alan Oppenheimer's Overview of MacWorld 2012 including groundbreaking products and consumer interactivity; and Paul Collins' video from MacWorld 2012, plus a glimpse at the Computer History Museum showcasing Apple's growing legacy.
• Alan Oppenheimer, CEO Open Door Networks, creator of the hottest iPhone/iPad App: Art Authority, and leading technology developer in the Rogue Valley will provide an overview of MacWorld 2012 - from the Exhibit Hall down the iWorld Midway.
• Paul Collins, President of Gracion Software, and senior consulting engineer at Digital Fish prepared a short video from Macworld 2012 that will explore several new Mac products, plus a glimpse into the Computer History Museum – the world's largest collection of artifacts from the Information Age.