AN EVENING OF TOLTEC WISDOM WITH DON MIGUEL JR. & SR: A Benefit for Aggie Pilgrim-Baker & 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
TUES. SEPT10th, 7 - 9pm with VIP Private Reception at 6pm at Unitarian Center, 87 Fourth St., ASHLAND, OR
For the first time, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. is coming to Ashland & Southern Oregon to teach Toltec Wisdom revealed in his new book “The Five Levels of Attachment” with his father don Miguel Ruiz Sr. who will be present via live interactive video transmission with his message on “The New Agreements.”
Together we will share a powerful evening gaining insights and awareness by which we can be the greatest expressions of unconditional love.
don Miguel Ruiz, Jr is a Nagual and Toltec Master of Transformation who started his apprenticeship at age 14 by transcribing wisdom teachings for his grandmother for more than a decade, Miguel Jr. is a direct descendent of the Toltecs of the Eagle Knight lineage and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz. Sr. By combining the wisdom of his family’s traditions with the knowledge gained from his own journey, he now helps others realize their own path to personal freedom.
don Miguel Ruiz Sr. is the international best-selling author of a series of books including“The Four Agreements,” with over 4 million copies sold, already 7 years on the New York Times bestseller list and the 36th bestselling book of this decade. He has dedicated his life to sharing the wisdom of the ancient Toltec through his books, lectures, and journeys to sacred sites around the world.
Sponsors: Ashland Source Center, Raw Spirit & Blissology University
Online Advance Tickets:
Information: (541) 778-8804 or (928) 308-2146 or
Paper Ticket Outlets: Spirit of Shakti & Music Coop (Ashland), Aquarian Books & Gifts (Grants Pass) & Village Books (Mt. Shasta)
$25 Advance / $35 At Door / $15 Student with ID
$40 VIP Seating with Private VIP Reception