Given our current state of economic recession with millions of foreclosure actions taken by the banks and government seizures of land there is no more important topic than this.
Learn how to update your land patents and secure paramount allodial title to protect against foreclosures and unlawful seizures of your property.
"We the People have the unalienable right in a free republic of American Nationals and/or sovereign “state” Citizens to acquire, utilize and “own” property. We the People have the unalienable right to have and hold that property free and clear of government liens and encumbrances. These rights have NOT been abridged, although they have come under attack by the government and the principles/creditors controlling it. But We the People must understand not only our rights, but how to acquire, utilize and “own” property as it was intended by our founding fathers and guaranteed in the united states of America." - Allodial Titles & Land Patents by Johnny Liberty
Cost: $25/individual OR $35/couple
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