FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY to share your vision of how we can co-create an ever greater sense of community. Bring a vegetarian or raw-vegan potluck for the picnic to share. Music by Johnny Light with a new album release entitled "Songs of the Soul." Blissology & Poetry by Happy Oasis.
LEADERS WANTED! Honor your local community leaders by nominating them for "Community Appreciation Awards." PLUS, announce what you offer professionally and what projects you are participating in.
FOUR YEARS AGO a vision of creating a community network for Southern Oregon and Northern California launched the Ashland Resource Center. This is now expanding to sibling communities in Sedona, Arizona and Grass Valley-Nevada City, California.
As the founders and organizers we'd like to personally THANK YOU for your support as treasured members, partners, donors and advertisers which has made it possible to continue this free community service.
- How would you like to see Ashland Source Center evolve?
- How would you like to be more involved?
- We are considering changing the name from "Ashland Resource Center" to "Ashland Source Center." What do you think?
For Information call (541) 778-8804:
OR email